This site is for cannabis users, the cannabis curious, and the cannabis critics. 

As a nurse in Canada, I experimented with cannabis during the height of burn-out. My perspective on life, relationships, and society drastically changed to the point where I wanted to share my story, hoping it may dispel the misconceptions surrounding the plant and its recreational users. 


Words of Weedsdom are seriously silly psychedelic revelations.

Extremes of human emotion, the flash of inspiration, and simple joys such as the feel of a certain fabric on your skin, are all a part of weedsdom. They are expressions of insight through a high; equally revolutionary and  recreational.

WoW is about  self growth, expanding the mind, and awakening the mind-body connection. It bridges any divide between human heart and mind towards spiritual enlightenment.

Psychedelics, Psychology, Science and Spirituality

There is still some debate as to whether THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is a psychedelic, because scientific classification depends on what receptors in the brain the chemicals bind to. In essence, a psychedelic is a substance which alters perception, plus or minus some hallucinations.

Since psychology is the study of the mind, and psychedelia is an expression of the mind, it’s no great leap between the two to venture into spirituality, and the expression of one’s existence.

Esoteric knowledge and various other forms of divination have been part of human history for centuries, and despite being met with various criticisms, they are all grounded in something that has never gone away: the drive of the human mind to seek. It seeks a connection to the Divine, or (a) Spirit, and seeks to tap into the collective energy that surrounds us in the world for answers.

Science also looks for answers, and can even support spiritual philosophy: disciplines like physics and chemistry agree with the existence of energies, atoms, vibrational pulls and other things that are (nearly) impossible to perceive with our eyes. Certain spiritual beliefs make sense scientifically, like karma. Just as the notion of causality infers action ‘A’ caused outcome ‘B’, karma can be the spiritual equivalent: that what you reap in one lifetime, you sow in a cascade of those that follow.

Words of Weedsdom is psychology, philosophy, and spirituality all rolled together (no pun intended) using cannabis as a tool. It’s a tool that acknowledges all practices that seek to understand the human mind and its motivations, because our minds do just that: seek, and tell us how to proceed.

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